Alice is 78 years old and has been living in Laconia Housing for the past 10 years. She first moved in with her husband but he passed five years ago.
She moved on with her life and even made new friends. When Eva arrived Alice was the first one to knock on her door. They have been friends ever since.
Alice is from Tilton and although she would like to go back home, she admits she’s happy to stay in Laconia Housing for another 10 years. Because she lives locally, Alice gets visits from her adopted son on a regular basis.
During the day she enjoys doing puzzles and cooking. She says she cooks because she is picky about what she eats.
Alice says Laconia Housing can definitely be a good thing for people who need help or cannot afford another place, since it has two different Supported Living Programs: Congregate Housing Services Program (CHSP) that provides various supports for the elderly and persons with disabilities who require different levels of assistance with the activities of daily living and are approved for the Program by the Professional Assessment Committee and Choices for Independent Living (Home and Community Based Care), a program for Medicaid eligible residents who need different levels of assistance with the activities of daily living and are approved for the Program by the State of NH Medicaid Nurse.